TLC by Chrouya Script: Little Busters 04[Main] [edited] Workraw: Little Busters 04_8bit_p 3 But at that rate, you'll walk into something But at that rate, you'll walk into something. {punctuation missing} 9~10 {she says "doki doki" here, which is left untranslated. Leave it like that? I know that she's going to have such characteristics later on as well} 11 He said good bye!! I got waved off?! {I'd go for a liberal translation here} {or fix punctuation: He said good-bye!} 13 14 It's just because someone like me... will have to study harder next time, on how to say goodbye in English. It's because I'm only... I'm only... ...someone who got a "Better luck next time, good-bye girl!" on an English quiz! {Seems the TL didn't grasp the translation of this one} 15 That's right... That's right.. That's right... That's right... {an ellipsis is marked with 3 dots.} 18 A one man doppler? A one-man Doppler effect? {punctuation. Also fun note, that's not an example of a doppler effect, but Riki says so} 20 Can I speak japanese? Can I speak Japanese? {capital} 28 I know I can, but you see... I lied a little when I introduced myself. I know I can, but as you know... I lied a little when I introduced myself. {he knew} 32 My room in the girl's dormitory. My room in the girls' dormitory. {girls is plural here} 33 But that will trouble you... But I don't want to cause you trouble... {pick whatever you like} 35 Tha-Thank you very much! Th-Thank you very much! {incorrect stuttering convention} 53 Lemon? Lennon? {they're all named after important people} 66 What the hell is this ?! What the hell is this?! {unnecessary spacing} 71 How did my name turn into Inohara star Masato?? How did my name turn into Inohara-Star-Masato?! {something like this.} 74 You did this? Monosai Haruka? You did this, Monogusa Iruka? {monogusa iruka --> lazy dolphin} {if you want to localize, try to keep as close to her name, but use some adjective+noun} 95 [THERE'S A SIGN HERE ON THE CANDIES] Cider {which is the taste} 110 How about you? {bad timing here} 116 I got embrassed by Naoe-kun! I got embarrassed by Naoe-kun! {} 119 I what? I was?! {she wouldn't be flustered that much in the next line else} 120 You didn't hear anything, did you! You didn't hear anything. {another "Let's pretend it never happened"} 139 I'll invite Rin-chan here and eat it with her! I'll invite Rin-chan here and eat them with her! {snacks are in plural} 143 If I can make Rin-chan happier by \Nhaving snacks with her, I'll be happy too! If I can make Rin-chan happier by \Nhaving snacks with her here, I'll be happy too! {didn't see the TL of "here" {on the rooftop}} 144 That's the happiness spiral theory Komari-san came up with. If someone becomes happy, you'll become happy as well. {this line was copypasta'd because it was left untranslated.} {an alternative is "If you can make someone happy, you'll become happy as well."} 146 Oh yeah Komari-san, you have a older brother, don't you? So yeah, Komari-san, you have an older brother? {fixed typos and context} 148 Don't worrk, I only heard that part. Don't worry, I only heard that part. 154 He has a warm voice, like the sun light,\N and always reads a picture book to me. He has a warm voice, like the sunlight,\N and always reads a picture book to me. {or just sun} 164 I want to see if i can find it. I want to see if I can find it. 165 Komari-san might have read it when she was younger. Komari-san might have actually read it when she was younger. {missed the "hontou" in the translated line} 185 186 The chick grew into a hen. The hen laid an egg. The chick grew into a hen, and laid an egg. {not a new line} 224 Want to go to the retirement home with me? Want to go to the retirement home with me? Let's go! {missed the part of "GO da yo~"} 228 Huh? To do what? Huh? For what reason? {I think this flows better in English} 240 The grounds are being used by the girl's softball club. The grounds are being used by the girls softball club. {no apostrophe} {and if you do, it's girls' softball club} 246 247 As long as it's with two beautiful young girls, No matter where, I will follow. As long as I'm with two beautiful, young girls, I'll follow no matter how suspicious the place may be. {something like this} {timing has to be changed: bishoujo futari to issho nara --> donna ayashii tokoro demo yururi to...} 250 Komari what do you need us to help with at the retirement home? Komari, what do you need us to help with at the retirement home? 251 We'll help make this into a happy sunny place. We'll help make it into a happy, sunny place. {or We'll make it a happy, sunny place.} 255 If everyone is happy and filled with smiles, I'm sure it will turn into a happy sunny place! If everyone is happy and filled with smiles, I'm sure it will turn as warm as the sun! {literal} 283 Optimization magic! Optimism magic! {you got the terms wrong, sadly} 284 When you're feeling down, you say alright with a loud voice! When you're feeling down, you say it out loud followed by an {\i1}alright{\i0}! {this is what she says.} 295 Would you like some muscle today? Would you like some muscles today? 296 In that case, I'll order some muscle. In that case, I'll order some muscles. {wondering if it should be in plural or not} 299 Eldery wisdom is amazing. Elderly wisdom is amazing. {ly.} 318 I'm not Gramps, I'm Kojiro! {Inconsistency here. I guess we'll go for Kojiro, so fix that in line 319 326 319 Why are you being this way? What's with that self-centered way of thinking? 322 Well, do what you want and clean up then. Well then, feel free to clean up. {better flow in English} 325 You're one wierd kid. You're one weird kid. 328 When you flip over the tatami, what do you see? When you flip over the tatami, you can see Paris! {畳の裏をめくるとそこはパリ~} 331 I think it looks alot better. It's all neat and clean now. {or just change alot to a lot} 334 I'll be sure to come back . I'll be sure to come back. {unnecessary space} 354 I said, don't let her come close to me. I said, don't ever let her come close to me. 359 [SIGN SAYING "Kamikita Takuya"] [TITLE SIGN] I will create a warm and happy place. [/SIGN] 360 Hey Riki-kun, Lets go look at the stars! Hey Riki-kun, let's go look at the stars! {it's Let's. Really. Just get used to it ^^;} 363 To find a shooting star! To spot a shooting star! 364 Begin Mission! Mission, Start! {fix my punctuation}